Main Image
We’re proud to announce that we’ve added another marketplace to our collection of ready-made specifications! You can now place orders for compliant product images in just a few simple clicks.

Rakuten is one of the largest eCommerce platforms in the world, and they understand the value of consistency when it comes to product images. We have combed through their rules and regulations and created a specification that ensures your product images will meet them. The new spec has been added into our “Marketplaces” collection, where it joins Amazon, eBay, and Google Shopping.

Take the following steps when placing an order to ensure your images meet Rakuten’s requirements.

1. Create a new order

Create a new order

Create a new order.

The next time you are creating an order for Rakuten product images, go to the “Orders” area in your account and press the “Create New” button.

2. Submit your images

Supply the images that will be edited. You can choose from a variety of options, like “Use Connector,” “Upload from PC,” and “FTP.”

Select the one that works best for you and press the “Continue” button.

Select an option for submitting images

Select an option for submitting images.

3. Upload images

After selecting images for editing, press the “Continue” button.

Upload your images and then continue

Upload your images and then continue.

4. Create a new specification

The first time you create an order using the Rakuten specs, press the “Create New” button. The next time you create an order you’ll see your specs already here.

Create a new order specification

Create a new order specification.

5. Go to “Marketplaces”

Press the “Continue” button beneath the “Marketplaces” option. That’s where we store our ready-made specifications for popular eCommerce platforms.

Select “Marketplaces

Select “Marketplaces.”

6. Select “Rakuten”

Click the “Rakuten” tile from the list of marketplaces. If you wish to sell in other marketplaces, like Amazon, eBay, or Google Shopping, you can select them too. We will ensure your product images are compliant with each marketplace’s requirements.

Press “Continue” when you are done.

If you’re curious, this is the breakdown of the Rakuten specification:

Image Alt

7. Enhance with add-ons

If you would like to add a higher level of professionalism to your product images, you can select add-ons. Shadows, the invisible mannequin effect, and color adjustment can all elevate the quality of your images.

Click a tile to select an effect, or press the “No thanks, skip these options” button.

Select add-ons like shadow, invisible mannequin, and color adjustment

Select add-ons like shadow, invisible mannequin, and color adjustment.

Get on one of the world’s largest marketplaces.

8. Name your spec

Name and save your specification

Name and save your specification.

Name your specification so that you can easily identify it later. It, and any other specs you’ve created, will be available when placing future orders.

Press “Save specification” when done.

Your specification is now available for all future orders.

Your specification has been saved

Your specification has been saved.

Select the specification you just created and press the “Continue” button.

Select the specification you just created

Select the specification you just created.

9. Verify your order

Review your order and ensure it’s as desired. Add or delete images and comments as needed. When you’re ready, press the “Pay Now” button.

Select the specification you just created and press the “Continue” button.

Review your order before payment

Review your order before payment.

10. Complete payment

Select a payment method and press the “Complete Payment” button when you’re ready.

Input a payment method and complete payment

Input a payment method and complete payment.

Receive your Rakuten compliant images in 24 hours or less

Your job is done. We’ll take it from here!

Our team of expert image editors will edit your order according to Rakuten’s specifications and have it completed in 24 hours or less. You’ll be selling on one of the world’s largest marketplaces in no time!

Get Rakuten compliant product images in 24 hours or less.