Our sellers love the benefit of a clean, silhouetted product image when they list with Chairish. For us, great photos mean faster sales! Working with Pixelz has also freed up time for our engineering team to work on developing our site in other ways!
– Jehn Howard, Chairish.
Our simple and well documented API process allows you to automate product image editing. You can integrate low-cost professional editing directly into your own service, with a 24 hour or less turnaround guarantee, using lightweight web based methods. You don’t upload anything to us!
Run a peer-to-peer marketplace? Edit customer uploaded images with Pixelz product image editing API
Pixelz edited product images create clean images that sell products faster.
Offering your customers product image editing, fast, will speed up sales and is a great upsell to offer if you don’t want to give it away. Your overall site will have improved visual consistency, creating a more professional appearance and faster sales.
An “API” is simply a set of tools for use by software applications. Because we have an API, you are able to call our image editing service directly from your own site, machine to machine, without the need for manual interaction.
Pixelz provides a simple, well documented API that we were able to integrate into our administrative flow within a week.
– Jehn Howard, Chairish.
You can use the Pixelz API to create specifications, submit images for editing, and get notified when images are edited. There’s a wealth of other possibilities, but those are the most important ones.
Using the Pixelz API your product images will sell faster.
How It Works: Chairish Case Study
Want to know how it really works? Let’s look at an API case study with Chairish, a marketplace for buying and selling vintage furniture.
The Pixelz API integrates product image editing into your mobile marketplace application.
Chairish customers take photos of furniture listed for sale, commonly from their iPhone or other mobile phone, and upload them through the Chairish app.
Furniture is big and hard to move around, indoor lighting is tricky, and phone cameras vary widely, so there’s a lot of inconsistency from image to image. There are distracting backgrounds, different levels of zoom, and everything else you might expect when you have hundreds of thousands of different photographers taking pictures.
Removing backgrounds allows your marketplace to achieve visual consistency.
Chairish doesn’t want inconsistency. They know that clean, silhouetted images mean faster sales, so they created their ideal specifications at Pixelz.
Now, when an image is uploaded to the Chairish app, they tell Pixelz where it is with a single HTTP command. We fetch the image, edit it, and notify Chairish when it’s ready (known as a “webhook”). They then download the image and use it for their customer’s product listing. All automatically!
Pixelz has been one of the smoothest and least stressful technical integrations we’ve had the pleasure of building.
– Jehn Howard, Chairish
If you’re technically inclined, this is all done via HTTP POST and GET commands, using lightweight JSON syntax. A SOAP version is also available. Check out our API documentation to learn more.
If you’re not technically inclined, we basically said that we’re using the simplest and most reliable methods possible. Web browsing uses the same foundations but is almost infinitely more complex.
Add low-cost professional product image editing directly into your own service with Pixelz API.
The Benefits
Well, let’s see. You get professionally edited product images that give your category pages a consistent presentation and increase sales. Your customer thinks you did it all yourself, so they’re impressed, and their products look better and sell faster. Your engineers are happy because they can work on other things.
That’s what we call a Win-Win-Win! Download a case study to learn more, create an account to try it out yourself, or contact our customer support team for onboarding help today.