What can you do with CloseUp? Or more accurately, what can’t you do with CloseUp?
Full-Screen Versions
Your efficiency is about to go up a notch as you say goodbye to downloading images to review. With CloseUp, all versions of an image can be accessed in fullscreen including Hi-Res Zoom. Now, see all your image versions in detail and proof without the hassle of downloading.

Markup History
Why was that flyaway hair removed? Now, you’ll be able to revise and mark up history for each image. Your entire team will know when a change is requested in Pixelz.

Color Tools in the Pixelz Platform
Inside CloseUp we’re also launching a brand new tool for reviewing color, called Color Proofing. With Color Proofing you’ll be able to ensure the color in your images is spot on. To utilize Color Proofing, you’ll need to have enabled either Color Matching or Color Change.
Color Matching
With Color Matching, your product’s color is matched to a reference file or an objective value like RGB or Pantone. It’s ideal for when you have different images of the same product that were shot in different sessions. Using 1 reference image with the accurate color we can match all other images to that same color.
To learn how to use Color Matching in Pixelz, read more here.
Colorways (Color Change)
Colorways allow you to create different color versions of your products. For example, if you shoot a t-shirt in one color but offer 5 different colors online, Colorways will create perfectly matched images of all the colors you offer.
Read more about how to set up Colorways.
Color Library
The Color Library in Pixelz makes it easy to keep all our color references in one spot. You can add a reference image, RGB color and even a texture reference. By adding these references to the Color Library, it makes it easy to start a Color Matching or Colorways order.
Learn more about how to add color references to your library here.
New: Color Proofing
Color Proofing is a setting in CloseUp that when activated allows you to view your reference image or color swatch alongside your edited image. Just as you view the original and edited images side by side, you’ll see the color swatch next to the edited image.
We know that color is so important when it comes to meeting customer expectations and keeping images on the PDP consistent. By adding Color Proofing, you can make sure that images are both consistent and true to the original color reference.