Ghost Mannequin Services
Invisible mannequin image editing services
for high-volume e-commerce studios

Effortless Ghost Mannequin Images
Ghost mannequin images are the perfect addition to any e-commerce content strategy. The invisible effect of the mannequin gives life to apparel. And using mannequins can reduce the cost and time of using live models.
The ghost mannequin effect is achieved by taking multiple images of a product and combining them in post-production. Using a ghost mannequin service takes over the tedious work of expertly combining the different images into one product image.
Optimize Your Workflow with Pixelz Technology
We’ve streamlined the ghost mannequin process, including making uploading and combining images easy for you. You can upload your invisible mannequin images in the following ways:
- FTP upload large orders, with filename rules for combining images
- API integration with your enterprise-level studio software
- Upload manually to the Pixelz Platform and manually select file combinations
Concerned about the learning curve of our Pixelz Platform? Don’t worry, we’ve spent years making it intuitive. Getting started is as simple as signing up and uploading your images.

Why Use A Ghost Mannequin Service?
Whether you are a growing studio or a high-volume studio, the use of invisible mannequin photography techniques can benefit your studio. Some benefits include:
- Increase content production
- Easy color calibration
- Requires less support staff
- Diversify product detail page
- Boost sales
- Customer satisfaction
Perfect Color Matching Between Model and Mannequin
Getting the perfect color match between mannequins and model images can be tricky and time-consuming. By using the mannequin setup for color calibration your model studio won’t be slowed down by recalibrations. Then just send us your reference image, and let we’ll apply the color correction to both model and mannequin images. You’ll save time, effort, and money while still getting perfect color-calibrated product images!

You have questions, we have answers
Working with a post-production provider can often involve frustration, misunderstandings, and delays. And you want to get back to more creative work in the studio. A few easy steps will set you up to get thousands of product photos professionally edited every day!

Maximize The Efficiency Of Your Mannequin Studio
You’re looking for the best quality, the best price, and the fastest delivery times. Image retouching shouldn’t be a bottleneck in your process. Pixelz is more than a retouching service, we work closely with studios to optimize their workflows. Ghost mannequin image editing is one of our specialties. We combine AI technologies with expert human editors and a carefully designed quality assurance process. We can even deliver your invisible mannequin images back to you on the same day with our Flow retouching.
Why Pixelz For Ghost Mannequin Services?
We’ve been doing this for a few years now (well actually a decade!). We know a thing or two about the ghost mannequin technique and how important it is to get it just right. We also know that on a rare occasion you’ll get a not quite perfect image. If a product image doesn’t live up to your standards we make it easy to make notations and reject the image all within the Pixelz Platform. No need to download the image or even open up your email. We’ll make the correct edits and get your image back to you all at no extra cost.

Learn more about our image retouching solutions:

Color Correction
With professional photo color correction services, you give your customers accurate expectations about product color and texture.
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Editorial Retouching
Bring your story to life by removing the heavy lifting of high-end retouching and allowing you to scale your editorial photography and production.
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Background Removal
By combining AI technology with expert human photo editors, we have developed the world's leading background removal service.
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